Mutah University :: Towards a Better Learning Environment

 College of Graduate Studies

 ​​The Deanship of Graduate Studies was established at the University of Mu'tah in 1990. It is one of the supporting deanships in the university. It has been entrusted with supervising postgraduate and scholarship programs in coordination with the university faculties and academic departments, based on the University's interest in postgraduate programs and granting students the opportunity to enroll in master's and doctorate programs to complete their studies.
 In 2014, the Deanship of Graduate Studies was transferred to the College of Graduate Studies
The College is keen to activate its role in providing its distinguished services to the community and also seeks to keep pace with the international levels by providing all support for all its programs and activities. This is confirmed by the steady increase in postgraduate programs and the corresponding increase in the number of students from different nationalities enrolled in different programs.
The College of Graduate Studies is also concerned with the development of regulations and operational procedures that are scientifically and professionally qualified in various fields to meet the needs of the university faculty by sending outstanding students to the world's oldest universities.
It aims to develop all parts of the Academia and Adria academic higher education system by supervising the university's postgraduate program in coordination and cooperation with the colleges and developing postgraduate programs in order to serve the university's goals and meet the needs of the local community institutions.